KIM Hae-do-dam
Sang-mi cannot use toilets outside of her house. One day, Sang-mi has a stomachache in school and does not know what to do. Early parts of
the film portray her difficult situation comically. Sang-mi discovers a toilet where she can be less conscious of others and she relieves herself
from pain. This toilet scene gives a cute twist to the plot, making the film special. [HWANG Miyojo]
Sang-mi, who could never go to the bathroom away from her own home, gets bowel problems.
Program Note
Sang-mi cannot use toilets outside of her house. One day, Sang-mi has a stomachache in school and does not know what to do. Early parts of
the film portray her difficult situation comically. Sang-mi discovers a toilet where she can be less conscious of others and she relieves herself
from pain. This toilet scene gives a cute twist to the plot, making the film special. [HWANG Miyojo]
KIM Hae-do-dam KIM Hae-do-dam
Studying the Theatre and Cinema at Gyeonggi Arts High School. She directed Poop Poop in