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The 26th SIWFF Event Schedule


  • The schedule is based on the time when it will be uploaded to the official channel of the Seoul International Women's Film Festival.
  • This video is available to watch until 26th September(Sun). (Some videos are only available to watch during the festival.)



Date Event Time Venue Guests
Aug. 22 Opening ceremony 18:00 CINECUBE 1
Aug. 23(Fri) [Related Event] Local Women¡¯s Film Festival Network Conference 11:00 Mapo Woman Donghaeng Center Space Mar 8 The Local Women¡¯s Film Festival Network
[Related Event]
Korean Society of Nursing Science Screening, 'Nursing in Movies, Connecting with the World¡¯
15:00 CGV Yeonnam Theater 4 CHOI Ida, Director of Heavy as a Bubble
OH Jin-ah, Professor at Inje University
Aug. 24(Sat) After screening Ana + Maria + Chantal
[Conversation & Lecture] Ana, Maria, Chantal : Cine-feminism Archive
11:00 CGV Yeonnam Theater 6 KIM Soyoung (Director, Professor of Korea National University of Arts)
Aug. 25(Sun) [Roundtable] Why We Get Together FDSC & FFF & WDN 14:00 CGV Yeonnam Theater 5 Moderator
KANGYU Garam (Director, WDN)

KIM Somi (Designer, FDSC)
SHIN In-ah (Designer, FDSC)
AN Young Bean (Director, FFF)
EOM Jihyo (Sula) (Director, FFF)
BOO Jiyoung (Director, WDN)
YU Hyemin (Director, WDN)
[Roundtable] Animated: Exaggerated, Omitted & Expanding Body Universe
* 16:00 After screening Animated, Body-World-Being Shorts 2
17:30 CGV Yeonnam Theater 6 KIM Hyemi (Director)
HAN ByungA (Director)
HAN Ji-won (Director)
Star Talk
Actor KIM A-joong X Film Journalist LEE Hwanjung
*After screening It¡¯s Okay!
19:10 CGV Yeonnam Theater 6 KIM A-joong (Actor)
LEE Hwajung (Film Journalist)

[RE:Discover Talk] KIM Doyoung Pick Frances Ha
19:10 CGV Hongdae Theater 5 KIM Doyoung (Director)
Aug. 26(Mon) [Conversation & Lecture] On the Expanding Borders, Persistently
*After screening Favoriten
19:00 CGV Yeonnam Theater 4 KIM Young Ok (Director of Life Culture Research Center Okee Salon)

[RE:Discover Talk] JEONG HeeJin Pick Microhabitat
19:30 CGV Hongdae Theater 5 JEONG HeeJin (Writer, Critic)
Aug. 27(Tue) Star Talk
Actor OK Ja-yeon X Actor CHOI Sung-eun

*After screening Time to Be Strong
16:00 CGV Hongdae Theater 5 OK Ja-yeon (Actor)
CHOI Sung-eun (Actor)
[Polemics Talk] Women in Politics, Generational Changes
*After screening The Day Iceland Stood Still
18:50 CGV Yeonnam Theater 6 NAM Arum (Director)
Zippy KIMUNDU (Director)
Pamela HOGAN (Director)
JANG Hyeyeong (Politician)
Star Talk
Actor SOHN Su-hyun X Film Critic KWON Eunsun

After screening Being Maria
19:30 CGV Yeonnam Theater 4 SOHN Su-hyun (Actor)
KWON Eunsun (Film Critic)
Aug. 28(Wed) closing ceremony 19:00 CGV Yeonnam Theater 6