Animated, Body-World-Being is a special section highlighting the works of Korean women animators who explore and reflect on the body, time and space, and existence through creative imagery and storytelling. Korean independent feature and short animations, with their diverse materials and imagery, have garnered significant attention both domestically and internationally, being invited to prestigious animation festivals such as Annecy, Zagreb, and Hiroshima, as well as major international film festivals like Cannes and Berlin. Among these, the consistent achievements of female directors stand out. The special section Animated, Body-World-Being showcases 28 works by Korean women animation creators, known for their high-quality productions that display various reinterpretations of female narratives, styles, and genres.
In animation, from the moment a character is created, animators face the choice of how to express it visually. The depiction of the body, particularly the female body, which may be distorted through bold omissions and exaggerations, is a particularly intriguing and noteworthy aspect. This section will showcase creative works that delve into the exploration and expression of the meanings of time and space, which begin with ¡®the body¡¯ and construct ¡®the world,¡¯ using the unique format of animations, which are composed of various images and movements within a short time frame. It offers a feast of diverse and original images and imagination, leading to reflections on growth, identity, and ¡®being.¡¯
This special section will provide an opportunity to encounter the microcosms of various Korean female animation directors and trace the evolution of female narratives in animation.