An animated documentary web-series about the successes, failures, and incredible confusion trying to date as a genderqueer/trans person.
Sam was born a woman, and she had always been sexually attracted to men. However, she begins to feel confused about her sexual identity, and she begins
a long journey of sexual exploration—as a heterosexual woman, lesbian, genderqueer, and transgender gay. She ends up completely confused, not knowing
who to date. The understanding of sexuality and gender has broadened, and terms such as LGBTQAI, genderqueer, and cisgender have been coined. Yet, it
is still difficult for a person with a flexible identity to find a partner in a society that is still rigidly framed by heterosexual identity and preference. How will her
misadventure end? Dating Sucks: A Genderqueer Misadventure is a cute and witty film introduced in a number of queer film festivals. [Jay SOHN]
An animated documentary web-series about the successes, failures, and incredible confusion trying to date as a genderqueer/trans person.
Program Note
Sam was born a woman, and she had always been sexually attracted to men. However, she begins to feel confused about her sexual identity, and she begins
a long journey of sexual exploration—as a heterosexual woman, lesbian, genderqueer, and transgender gay. She ends up completely confused, not knowing
who to date. The understanding of sexuality and gender has broadened, and terms such as LGBTQAI, genderqueer, and cisgender have been coined. Yet, it
is still difficult for a person with a flexible identity to find a partner in a society that is still rigidly framed by heterosexual identity and preference. How will her
misadventure end? Dating Sucks: A Genderqueer Misadventure is a cute and witty film introduced in a number of queer film festivals. [Jay SOHN]
Recently graduated with a MFA from San Francisco State University. Sam\'s previous films Genderbusters and Perception have screened at over 60 film festivals around the world and are distributed by CFMDC and Frameline Voices. Gendernusters won Best Short Film at Translations: the Seattle Transgender Film Festival, where, currently, Sam is currently the Festival Director.