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Snow and the Bear

Selcen ERGUN

  • Turkey, Germany, Serbia
  • 2022
  • Korean Premiere
  • 94min
  • DCP
  • color

Korean Premiere


Asli, a recently appointed nurse, arrived in a small, distant town where winter had become seemingly endless. The rumor raised that bears have awakened early from their winter sleep. When a man from the town goes missing, Asli finds herself surrounded by power relationships, secrets, and doubts. 


The arrival of nurse Asli in the snow-covered village must have been with the clear intention of fulfilling her responsibilities. The fact that the village people had no one else to turn to for medicine and pursued solace in Asli for big and small injuries seemed enough to explain why she was there. However, Asli¡¯s presence, someone who can ask for help and provide solutions, may have inherently caused friction with the people comfortable without her. The snow that conceals everything, the small village buried in the snow, the intimate yet exclusive atmosphere of the town, and the presence of a young female outsider like Asli, who sets foot in this place, all contribute to creating various isolations that break one's will. The film Snow and The Bear by Turkish director Selcen Ergun focuses on the main character, who finds herself thoroughly isolated, not only due to the physical circumstances but also due to the doubtful gazes of the village men and her father's lack of respect for her choices. Asli conveys a sense of isolation that leads to self-doubt rather than reliance. She appears trapped in the frame alone, while unsettling sounds from outside the frame effectively highlight her psychological state. [SONG Arum]


  • Selcen ERGUNSelcen ERGUN

    Selcen Ergun obtained her MA in Directing/Screenwriting at Istanbul Bilgi University after studying Industrial Design & Visual Culture at Middle East Technical University. Her short films Confrontation (2007) and A Sunny Day (2011) were selected by several festivals. Snow and the Bear is her debut feature film.



  • ProducerNefes POLAT
  • Cast Merve DIZDAR
  • Screenwriter Selcen ERGUN, Yeşim ASLAN
  • Cinematography Florent HERRY
  • Editor Çiçek KAHRAMAN