This short animated film is a poetically told story about the course of a woman¡¯s life. As the woman¡¯s body is growing up a collage of images of her external and internal life constructs her life story in the background. Through birth, pregnancy, family and aging, her aged body is returned to an eternal cycle of life again and a short life stops beating. The movie title is from Joan Baez¡¯s album with the same title. (Jenna Ku)
This short animated film is a poetically told story about the course of a woman¡¯s life. As the woman¡¯s body is growing up a collage of images of her external and internal life constructs her life story in the background. Through birth, pregnancy, family and aging, her aged body is returned to an eternal cycle of life again and a short life stops beating. The movie title is from Joan Baez¡¯s album with the same title. (Jenna Ku)