Alison REID
Could a stem cell study be a source of hope for a lesbian couple? While Lilith wants to have a baby with their own egg cells through genetic engineering, Athena wants to have a baby as soon as possible, even with other man¡¯s sperm. Their desires diverge in the name of love and the conflict between them grows. With a comic touch, the film unfolds the complicated issue of a lesbian couple¡¯s pregnancy, childbirth, and the question of biology in the relationship between mothers and children. (Jay SOHN)
Could a stem cell study be a source of hope for a lesbian couple? While Lilith wants to have a baby with their own egg cells through genetic engineering, Athena wants to have a baby as soon as possible, even with other man¡¯s sperm. Their desires diverge in the name of love and the conflict between them grows. With a comic touch, the film unfolds the complicated issue of a lesbian couple¡¯s pregnancy, childbirth, and the question of biology in the relationship between mothers and children. (Jay SOHN)
Alison REIDAlison REID